Standardisation The development of standards is the responsibility of the technical committee of the ISO. The ISO is the worldwide union of national standardisation institutions, such as DIN (Germany) and ANSI (USA). The description of standards in this chapter merely serves to aid our technical understanding of the RFID applications dealt with in this book and no attempt has been made to describe the standards mentioned in their entirety. | 9 RFID Handbook Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification Second Edition Klaus Finkenzeller Copyright 2003 John Wiley Sons Ltd. ISBN 0-470-84402-7 Standardisation The development of standards is the responsibility of the technical committee of the ISO. The ISO is the worldwide union of national standardisation institutions such as DIN Germany and ANSI USA . The description of standards in this chapter merely serves to aid our technical understanding of the RFID applications dealt with in this book and no attempt has been made to describe the standards mentioned in their entirety. Furthermore standards are updated from time to time and are thus subject to change. When working with the RFID applications in question the reader should not rely on the parameters specified in this chapter. We recommend that copies of the original versions in question are procured. The necessary addresses are listed in Section at the end of this book. Animal Identification ISO standards 11784 11785 and 14223 deal with the identification of animals using RFID systems. ISO 11784 Radio-frequency identification of animals Code structure ISO 11785 Radio-frequency identification of animals Technical concept ISO 14223 Radio-frequency identification of animals Advanced transponders Part 1 Air interface Part 2 Code and command structure Part 3 Applications The constructional form of the transponder used is not specified in the standards and therefore the form can be designed to suit the animal in question. Small sterile glass transponders that can be injected into the fatty tissues of the animal are normally used for the identification of cows horses and sheep. Ear tags or collars are also possible. ISO 11784 - Code structure The identification code for animals comprises a total of 64 bits 8 bytes . Table shows the significance of the individual bits. 230 9 STANDARDISATION Table Identification codes for animals Bit number Information .