Introduction to AutoCAD 2009 2D and 3D Design- P10: The purpose of writing this book is to produce a text suitable for students in Further and/or Higher Education who are required to learn how to use the CAD software package AutoCAD 2009. Students taking examinations based on computer-aided design will fi nd the contents of the book of great assistance. | 402 Introduction to AutoCad 2009 APPENDIX B Script scr - Brings the Select Script File dialog on screen Setvar set - Can be used to bring a list of the settings of set variables into an AutoCAD Text window Shape - Inserts an already loaded shape into a drawing Shell - Allows MS-DOS commands to be entered Sketch - Allows freehand sketching Solid so - Creates a filled outline in triangular parts Spell sp - Brings the Check Spelling dialog on screen Spline spl - Creates a spline curve through selected points Splinedit spe - Allows the editing of a spline curve Status - Shows the status particularly memory use in a Text window Stretch s - Allows selected entities to be stretched Style st - Brings the Text Styles dialog on screen Tablet ta - Allows a tablet to be used with a pointing device Tbconfig - Brings the Customize dialog on screen to allow configuration of a toolbar Text - Allows text from the Command line to be entered into a drawing Thickness th - Sets the thickness for the Elevation command Tilemode - Allows settings to enable Paper Space Tolerance - Brings the Geometric Tolerance dialog on screen Toolbar to - Brings the Customize User Interface dialog on screen Trim tr - Allows entities to be trimmed up to other entities Type - Types the contents of a named file to screen UCS - Allows selection of UCS user Coordinate System facilites Undefine - Suppresses an AutoCAD command name Undo u Ctrl Z - Undoes the last action of a tool View - Brings the View dialog on screen Vplayer - Controls the visibility of layers in Paperspace Vports - Brings the Viewports dialog on screen Vslide - Brings the Select Slide File dialog on screen Wblock w - Brings the Create Drawing File dialog on screen Wipeout - forms a polygonal outline within which all crossed parts of objects are erased Wmfin - Brings the Import WMF dialog on screen Wmfopts - Brings the WMF in Options dialog on screen Wmfout - Brings the Create WMF File dialog on screen Xattach xa - Brings the Select Reference