An aquarium can only function properly with reliable equipment. It must be easy to put into place and to use and it must offer every possible guarantee of safety, paying particular attention to the potentially dangerous . | EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES An aquarium can only function properly with reliable equipment. It must be easy to put into place and to use and it must offer every possible guarantee of safety paying particular attention to the potentially dangerous combination of water and electricity. There is sufficient variety in the aquarium trade to supply hobbyists with a reasonable choice on the basis of their particular needs and means. It is pointless and expensive to think big besides simplicity is often the bywordfor efficiency and success. LIGHT Light not only serves to provide visual pleasure and highlight the aquarium it is also essential to its equilibrium as fish like most living beings need the alternation of day and night which acts as a biological clock. The action of light also makes it possible for plants to perform photosynthesis and grow. Marine invertebrates that play host to micro-algae see page 169 require strong lighting. An aquarium must therefore be equipped with a light source which resembles as far as possible the one found in their natural habitat as regards quantity and most important chromatic quality. Quality of the light Obviously the best light would be that of the sun which permits life on our planet. It is unfortunately impossible to take full advantage of it in an aquarium for two main reasons. Firstly it cannot be quantitatively dosed. This means that too much light often causes the growth of unwanted algae and so it is important not to directly expose a tank to natural light especially if it is facing south. On the other hand if the direct influence is deficient the aquarium does not receive enough light to ensure that the plants grow satisfactorily. Secondly sunlight does not adequately highlight the aquarium and fish. It is therefore essential to resort to artificial lighting placed above the aquarium usually in a hood specially designed for this purpose. This lighting must satisfy certain conditions as regards - the type of bulb used and the