Fix your own computer for seniors for dummies- P12: The way I look at being a senior is this: We got there ahead of the rest of the pack. Let those behind us get all excited over tweets and iPods and video games that simulate the challenges and joys of life. | Chapter 19 Relieving Hard Times for Hard Drives Whichever method you use the command-prompt window opens. You won t be able to work on your computer while this utility is running. 2. Ente r one of the following commands To view detailed information about your hard drive type chkdsk driveletter and then press Enter. You enter the drive letter in place of driveletter. To check drive C for example type the command chkdsk c . To find and repair errors locate bad sectors and recover readable information that may have been lost to an application type chkdsk driveletter r and then press Enter. Substitute the actual drive letter for driveletter. To check drive C for example type chkdsk c r. Programs such as chkdsk can be executed run with i@i command switches that tell the program to conduct special tasks. You enter a switch after the program name preceded by a slash . The r switch for example tells Chkdsk to find and repair errors. If the current drive is in use which is often the case in a PC that has just one drive Chkdsk informs you that it can t run the test with the specified repairs now and offers to conduct it the next time the computer starts. Type Y for yes and then press Enter. The next time you start your computer Chkdsk will run its test before Windows loads. 3. Wait for Chkdsk to finish doing its thing and display details on what it found see Figure 19-5 . 11113 5 Part V Troubleshooting Your PC__ Result of a Chkdsk scan SB Administrator Command Prompt - x C Windows system32 chkdsk e ZF Zr The type of the File system is FAT32. RJolume SANDLER16GB created 2Z7Z2009 1 47 PM Wolume Serial Number is 147A-5474 Windows is ueriFying Files and Folders. File and Folder ueriFication is complete. Lost chain cross-linked at cluster 125145. Orphan truncated. Convert lost chains to Files VZN y 64 KB in 1 recovered Files. Windows is veriFying Free space. Free space ueriFication is complete. Windows has made corrections to the File .