Parallel Port Complete- P6: From its origin as a simple printer interface, the personal computer's parallel port has evolved into a place to plug in just about anything you might want to hook to a computer. The parallel port is popular because it's versatile-you can use it for output, input, or bidirectional links-and because it's available-every PC has one. | Experiments I Figure 5-2 Buffer and LEDs for monitoring Data outputs. Parallel Port Complete 87 Please rchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Chapter 5 1 2 74HCT244 S7 GND 18-25 1 6 7407 HEX OPEN-COLLECTOR BUFFER PARALLEL- CABLE 1 SWITCH OPEN 0 SWITCH CLOSED Figure 5-3 Driver and switches for testing Status port. 88 Parallel Port Complete Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Experiments PARALLEL PORT D-CONNECTOR PARALLEL - 1 2 74HCT244 CABLE Figure 5-4 Buffer driver LEDs and switches for Control-port testing. Parallel Port Complete 89 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this .