It is very important to check with each institution individually to find out what its admission requirements are. For example, a passing score at one university may not be a passing score at another university. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what the requirements are for each institution. | Ệ Step2 Q Now listen to a conversation related to the passage in Step 1. As you listen take notes on important information. Write down five keywords or key phrases that would be useful in explaining this information to someone else. K Track 162 1 logon to access a network network a set of computers that are connected to each other so . each computer car send . and receive information from other computers Inconvenient causing difficulties . flip . . . turnover navigate to find and follow a path or course Restate what you heard in the conversation using the notes or keywords you wrote above. Step 3 Read the prompt below. Circle the most important ideas in your notes from both the reading and the conversation. Write down the main points you need to speak about. The man expresses his opinion about the university s decision. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. Opinion Reason 1 Detail Reason 2 Detail Integrated speaking Synthesizing Information 393. --------------- Step 4 Q Listen to a sample response. Write down any useful expressions. Step 5 Now create your own response using words and expressions from Steps 3 and 4. Use the prompts below to help you. The announcement says that the university will _ . The man thinks that this is __ He feels like__ . The man also thinks the online catalogues__ He mentions that . Many will__. _. He believes that . He concludes by saying. Read the response you wrote above out loud. Try to read slowly and clearly. Practice saying the whole response several times. Then close your book and say the response without looking at the words. J 394 Chapter 2 IS Practice 1 - Reading .