Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers- P3: I can remember the day as clear as if it were just yesterday. I was walking by my boss’s office late one winter afternoon at the college where I teach, and he called me into his office. Sitting on his desk was a thin, white box with some sort of weird swirl on it. He slid the box across to me and asked, “You know anything about Flash?” | LEARNING THE FLASH CS4 PROFESSIONAL INTERFACE Graphic symbols timelines are locked in step with the timeline they re in unlike movieclip symbols whose timelines run independently. This explains why graphics are the de facto symbol for JibJab-style animation http . Complex nested symbols can be scrubbed in this way for testing in the timeline whereas movieclips only show nested animation when published. A symbol placed on the stage is called an instance. We will cover symbols in Chapter 3 and animation in Chapters 7 and 8. 3. Select the tree on the lower of the two tree layers. Use these values to precisely place the selected tree on the stage resize it and darken it X 49 Y W 65 H 105 Color Effect Tint Tint Color 000000 black Tint Amount 48 The tree gets smaller moves to the left side of the stage and darkens. Resizing the image and darkening it give the illusion of depth in this scene. 4. Select the remaining tree and use these values in the Property inspector X Y W 68 H 123 Color Effect Tint Tint Color 000000 black Tint Amount 26 The tree gets a bit smaller moves to the left side of the stage and due to the low tint amount becomes a bit brighter than the tree behind it as shown in Figure 1-39. The reason for this is that it will be lit by the moon which you will create in a couple of minutes. If you have used Flash prior to this version setting the location and size properties of a selected object using the Property inspector will as one of the authors discovered take a bit of brain rewiring. In previous versions the first properties you changed due to their location in the Property inspector were width and height then you set the x and y coordinates. These have been reversed in the Position Size area in Flash CS4. 39 CHAPTER 1 Figure 1-39. Location and size are other properties that can be manipulated using the Property inspector. Let s finish off the scene by adding the grass and the lake. 5. Add a new layer named Grass. With this