Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers- P24: I can remember the day as clear as if it were just yesterday. I was walking by my boss’s office late one winter afternoon at the college where I teach, and he called me into his office. Sitting on his desk was a thin, white box with some sort of weird swirl on it. He slid the box across to me and asked, “You know anything about Flash?” | INDEX statement in ActionScript 568 formatting text with ActionScript 275-278 283 Foundation ActionScript Animation Making Things Move friends of ED 418 by Keith Peters 351 Foundation ActionScript with Flash CS3 friends of ED 218 Foundation Flash Cartoon Animation by Tim Jones Barry Kelly Allan Ros-son and David Wolfe 414 Four-Up image optimization in Fireworks CS4 92 frame rate fps changing for movie 367 in Video pane 450 frames editing multiple 334 inserting new with F5 key 307 in timeline 6-7 modifying multiple 331-334 navigating to specific in timeline 17 swapping graphic symbols 332-333 understanding 15-17 Free Transform tool 423 427 changing horizontal and vertical scale with 306 Rotate and Skew option 318-319 rotating artwork with 316 scaling and stretching with 303 using 61-62 friends of ED download site web site address 4 friends of ED homepage web site address 664 From After Effects to Flash Poetry in Motion Graphics by Tom Green and Tiago Dias 479 Frutiger Adrian 261 Full Screen button making active 475-476 full-screen video letting Flash handle for you 477-478 G GalaxyGoo 205 General preferences viewing for Flash 9 Georgenes Chris keyframer forum web site address 414 web site address 336 414 ghost handles constraining Richard hands feet and head with 410 hiding 405 GIF animations working with in Flash 102 GIF files using in Flash 101-102 GIF images working with in Flash 101 glow effect adding to moon and star shine 45-46 gradient effects creating 88-89 gradient fill locking 89-90 Gradient movieclip using for the sky 35-37 gradients altering 314 tool for changing 62-64 Gradient Transform tool altering gradients with 314 changing gradients with 63-64 using 62-64 graphic symbols 124-125 limitations of 387 graphic symbol timelines as mini-libraries 338-339 vs. movieclip timelines 335-336 grass adding to movie 40 Grden John 419 Green Tom and Tiago Dias From After Effects to Flash Poetry in Motion Graphics by 479 grid snapping objects to .