The Fundamentals of Graphic Design- P3: This book is about graphic design rather than being a book of graphic design. The distinction may seem slight, but it is fundamental to this volume as it covers the graphic design industry and its processes rather than simply functioning as a coffee-table book. | Arts and Crafts This spread from a book designed by Webb Webb features text and images that were placed and organised on the page according to a grid. Notice how this creates clean sight lines as the images and text align with each other and the margins. The grid is a template or guide used for positioning and organising the elements of a design in order to facilitate and ease decision-making. Grids are the bone structure of a layout and serve as a tool to help a designer achieve balance while presenting a potentially large degree of creative possibilities. The use of grids fields and matrices allows a designer to take a considered approach to design which makes effective use of time and space. It also ensures that different design elements work together to provide consistency and coherency throughout a body of related work. Since humankind first began recording information there has been a need to organise page structures that are commonly used today can be traced back to Classical on proportions and the division of space developed in Ancient Greece. The grid as a containment structure for visual communication has evolved in tandem with developments in mark-making technology becoming increasingly sophisticated as handwritten manuscripts were replaced by early printing movable type linotype and computer-to-plate printing. The grid serves to establish parameters to guide the placement of text and elements but strict adherence to such guidelines can be restrictive. Leading designers often challenge the structure and confines that a grid provides in order to provide the best possible solution to the design brief. There are many types of grids including those with many columns those with few and those comprising of fields or modules rather than vertical of the main grid types are shown on the opposite page. 60 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Influences and creative elements nrn An asymmetrical grid has pages on the spread that