The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P7: This has been the best and easiest book project I’ve ever worked on, not in small part due to the eff orts of the publisher and other current partners and friends. Thanks to the crew at my new publisher, Focal Press: Paul Temme for taking his email seriously; Emma Baxter for having the good sense to see the value of my proposal | The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book layer calculations I devised was creating a manual unsharp masking effect. Unsharp masking was a darkroom process before it was ever er PhotoshoporElemen hotographer developingin thedeok roemsPuldsanePrSch o ElurreO film negative sopy ollheimaoewith theoteina Ito enhae ceooohrsst in expon ret Otnagg ehe s soouldhemetimh ge edges and the repslteftorthea ppiltntioe woal Obh a hhesper lookto the image. iPwatbsorn aaknsedte create tk eetfewbthntwhk unthhtp . The layer asel eaollcsireinbk oceharp ma sS bOatedlowtis all trio different toPit ioshShaie tihitelaetroaPieetk otbeiI IponSOshame conceph aeehl 11 1 llttie oSwha fo learned It U e ao exerci se to isolate our correctionstotireimagetone. B3 Try It Now unsharp mask calculation or open the image and flatten it. An interestinc imogotoatn wlththlotschnique it SampOeS-ped shown inSasreSnO. 2. Duplicate tire Oackground iaoetand name ePanew layer 1 UnshasaMsak 3. DuplicatetheS kntkareMpsk lanerrednamettenewlksor 2 Color. COaaao the layer mode of the 2 Color layer to Color. At this point Pho Backeroaaaj UesSato Masanndneolor layers aH hovo thesamecontent UJ The role that the 2 duplicated layers play in the image dramatically changes with their change in Mode. Changing the mode of tht Colorlaaer maketthe Polet -011x1011 tie positioning nStPo topof ahe Isyoc rtcct wlSPrkegr ginkl holoa informationklOawctone to Thknneaeloww rhouS hkahpOio the original co ahhooak anaot ocisopaiatioa sirCece Oorhas not 1 0101 tOs a hoae e romgPe efteosivslptooarctea the content and effect. 4. Activatetho aUnsharn Masplayer by clicking on its thumbnail in the layers palette. Change the Mode to Overlay the Opacity to 50 aoOehen lnverO prestCemmand ir Ctri l .This layer actsastheblurred negative 154 Exploring Layer Modes FIG This unusual vegetable has shading that renders a strong difference when using th is tec hnigue. 5. Blur the 1 Unsharp .