The all Grammar Series texts support the view of many experienced teachers that grammar-based and communicative approaches are not mutually exclusive, but rather mutually supportive, and can advantageously co-exist in the same language program, even in the same class, even in the same lesson. | 10-4 USING THE B F-PHRASE a This sweater was made by my aunt. The fry-phrase is used in passive sentences when it is important to know who performs an action. In a by my aunt is important information. b My sweater was made in Korea. c Spanish is spoken in Colombia. d That house was built in 1940. e Rice is grown in many countries. Usually there is no fry-phrase in a passive sentence. The passive is used when it is not known or not important to know exactly who performs an action. In b The exact person or people who made the sweater is not known and is not important to know so there is no fry-phrase in the passive sentence. f My aunt is very skillful. She made this sweater. Usually the active is used when the speaker knows who performed the action as in f where the focus of attention is on my aunt. g I like your sweaters. Thanks. This sweater was made by my aunt. That sweater was made by my mother. In g the speaker uses the passive WITH a y-phrase because he wants to focus attention on the subjects of the sentences. The focus of attention is on the two sweaters. The fry-phrases add important information. EXERCISE 8. The BY-phrase. Chart 10-4 Directions Change the sentences from active to passive. Include the fry-phrase only if necessary. 1. Bob Smith built that house. That house was built by Bob Smith. 2. Someone built this house in 1904. - This house was built in 1904. Someone unnecessary 3. People grow rice in India. 4. Do people speak Spanish in Peru 5. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. 6. When did someone invent the first computer 7. People sell hammers at a hardware store. People use them to pound nails. 8. Someone will list my name in the new telephone directory. 9. Charles Darwin wrote The Origin of Species. 10. Someone published The Origin of Species in 1859. 11. Has anyone ever hypnotized you 12. Someone has changed the name of this street from Bay Avenue to Martin Luther King Way. 282 CHAPTER 10 EXERCISE 9. The BY-phrase. Chart 10-4 Directions