By following the chapters in die book in order and doing all die practice exercises, you will learn a three-step method for writing your essays, and you will have many opportunities to practice writing. You will also learn writing skills that you can apply to both tasks and to your writing in general. | 4 Writing for the TOEFL iBT Hie best way to learn to write is by writing. You will do a great deal of writing when you do the practice exercises and practice tasks in this book. For additional practice you can choose topics from the model integrated tasks and model independent essays at the back of the book. When you are learning to write you must at the same time learn to revise. You must make it a habit to revise the essays you write for practice in this book. Revision is as important a pan of the writing process as the writing itself. A good essay takes time time to plan time to write time to revise. When you write your TOEFL iBT essays you will have a limited amount of time. If you take the time now to learn how to write you ll easily be able to write your TOEFL iBT essays in the limited time allowed. WARNING Study the models carefully. Analyze them completely. Do NOT memorize them. Your writing will not be scored if it matches an essay in this book. Your writing on the TOEFL iBT must be your OWN original work. i - . - ------- ----------- . QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. How much time do I have to work on each writing task For the Integrated Task after you read the passage for three minutes and listen to the lecture you have 20 minutes to plan and write your essay. For the Independent Task you have 30 minutes to plan and write your essay on the given topic. 2. Do I have to use the computer Yes you do. It is an Internet-based test. Use of the computer is required. You should learn to use the QWERTY keyboard. This keyboard is named for the first six letters on the top row of letters. 3. Do I have a choice of topic No you don t. For the Integrated Task you will respond to a question using information from the reading passage and lecture provided. For the Independent Task you will be given only one topic and you must write about that topic. 4. Will all test takers have the same topic No not every test taker will have the same topic. 5. What will happen if