What will happen if I don't understand the topic on the Independent Task? If you study this book, that wont be a problem. You will understand all the possible topics. On the day of die test, you will not receive any help with the topic. | 340 Writing for the TOEFL iBT Famous people suffer a loss of privacy. Since wc admire them we want to feel as if we know them. We want to know how they live and what happens in their daily lives. Therefore journalists follow them all the time in order to find out the details of their private lives. These details true or not are published in magazines all around the world. This is a big disadvantage to being famous. Earning a lot of money can in part compensate for this. Famous people work hard to entertain us and then they lose their privacy. They contribute a lot to our lives. They deserve to earn a lot of money. 163 MA Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past Why or why not Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Today more than at any time in the history of the world it is important to be able to read and write. This change has been brought about by the Internet which we use to communicate with one another to get our news and to buy products. Millions of people today communicate through e-mail using the Internet. In the past people had face-to-face meetings or called one another on the phone. today they use e-mail and chat rooms. Of course it is necessary to be able to read and write in order to use the Internet for communication. Today one can subscribe to news and information on the Internet. When you turn on your computer in the morning you see the headlines financial news sports scores or social events that you requested. In the past people got news and information from television or radio and many still do. More and more people however get news from the Internet because they can subscribe to just the type of news that interests them. Again reading skills arc required to do this. These days it is becoming more and more common to buy products on the Internet. People like this because it is more convenient than going to the store and because it is easier to find certain products. In the past people bought .