Is there a spell checker or grammar checker on the computer? No, You will have to do your own proofreading* Don't worry about a few spelling errors or a few mistakes with punctuation or grammar. A few small errors will not count against your score. | Appendix 361 7. Surveys made at the end of an antismoking campaign showed that 50 knew about the campaign and 40 would probably nor smoke. 8. Three months later the numbers had changed. 9. iMore than half said they would probably smoke and fewer than one-third said they knew about the campaign. 10. Research showed that slow music caused customers to stay at the restaurant longer and order more food. 11. Some of the study subjects college students heard popular music in the store and others heard older music. 12. Those who heard familiar music shopped longer and said better things about the stores products. PRACTICE 5 Page 77 Possible verbs the quotes are shown where needed. 1. The author explains that invasive plants may have devastating results. 2. The author asserts that most childrens TV programs don t have valuable content. 3. The author reports that antismoking campaigns for teens have had significant success. 4. The speaker claims that offices save money because office workers can now devote themselves to other tasks. 5. The speaker states that when children watch IV they actually do better in school. 6. The author points out that play helps people live longer healthier lives. 7. The author remarks that neutral colors are used in health care centers to convey a sense of cleanliness. PRACTICE 6 Page 80 Possible summaries SUMMARY 1 The author states that invasive plants harm native plants and the speaker explains that garlic mustard is an invasive species that causes problems. Gardeners have introduced nonnative plants for food and medicine. They have also planted them because they are hardy drought resistant or beautiful. However these plants escape from the garden and cause problems. Invasive plants harm native species by shading them out strangling them or using up all the nutrients in the soil. The local ecology suffers because there are fewer native plants and animals lose their homes and food. The speaker mentions garlic mustard as an example of an .