As is the case with dating, further research will undoubtedly produce a shift in the country of origin for a number of entries. We resolutely avoided guesswork and informed opinion. | 143 chunk of beef chunka chunker circs chunk of beef chunka chunker noun a chief a boss. Rhyming slang probably no longer in use Australia 1942 chunk of change a lot of money us 2002 chunky chunks chunkiesnoun hashish. From the similarity in appearance to a block of chocolate us 1971 chunt noun an inept unlikeable person us 2004 church noun LSD uk 2003. the church the Investigations Department of HM Customs Excise uk 2001 churchie noun a religious proponent of virtue new Zealand 1997 church is out 1 an opportunity has passed us 1966. 2 no hope remains there is nothing to be done us 1966 church key noun a can and bottle opener. With the advent of pullring 1962 the pop-top 1963 and the stay-on tab can 1974 the device and term allbut disappeared us 1951 Church of England noun in craps a bet that the next roll will be 1 2 11 or 12. A back-formation from cand e itself the initials of crap-eleven the conventionalname of the bet us 1933 church rat noun a self-serving pious person trinidad and tobago 1993 church tramp noun a student who changes his church affiliation as necessary to attend various church socialfunctions us 1963 church warden noun a pipe with a long stem. Originally made of clay but the name refers to the shape not the material. In 2003 this type of pipe is enjoying a small revival in fashion as a result of the films in the Lord of the Rings trilogy uk 1363 churn verb to schedule unnecessary return visits to a doctor to increase fees us 1991. churn butter to have sex. Vietnam war usage slang based on visual images us 1991 churn out verb to produce a large quantity of something especially without too much concern for the finished article s quality uk 1912 chut noun a male homosexual homosexual practices between men. Possibly from chute the rectum chutney sodomy or as a variation of chuff a homosexual male uk 1977 chut verb to chew chewing gum Australia 1945 chute noun 1 the rectum us 1976. 2 the coin slot on a pinball machine us 1977. 3 especially in Quebec