We use indigenous spelling for headwords. This is especially relevant in the case of the UK arse and US ass. For Yiddish words, we use Leo Rosten's spelling, which favours 'sh-' over 'sch-J. An initialism is shown in upper case without full stops (for example, BIT), except that acronyms (pronounced like individual lexical items) are lower case (for example, snafu). | 171 crash-course creampie crash-course noun a short intensive course on a particular subject UK 1973 crasher noun 1 a person temporarily sleeping in someone else s house or apartment us 1975. 2 a very tedious or tiresome person or thing. A variation of crashing bore uk i960. 3 a powerful hard-breaking wave us crash hat noun a safety helmet us 2003 crash helmet noun a condom. Figurative use of motorcyclists safety wear in both uses worn in case of accident. Possibly also a punning reference to helmet the head of the penis uk 1998 crash hot adjective excellent Australia 1962 crash hot used for expressing enthusiastic . Zealand 1998 crashing bore noun a very tedious or tiresome person or thing uk 1934 crash-out noun an escape from prison or jailus 1940 crash out verb to escape from prison us 1954 crash pad noun 1 a room apartment or house where people stay for the night or temporarily with or without knowing the owner with or without formalinvitation us 1967. 2 a pit of soft dirt or sand used for low-levelstunt falls us 2003 -crat -ocrat suffix when linked with a subject used to designate a person that may be dominant or aspiring to dominance or pretending superiority within that subject area. A sarcastic or humorous application ofthe conventionalsense found in such words as aristocrat democrat plutocrat etc. The root in most conventionalsenses ends with an o in colloquial or journalistic usage the o is generally incorporated uk 1937 crate noun 1 an old and dilapidated car us 1927. 2 a railway boxcar us 1977 crate of sand noun a truck hauling sugar us 1971 crater noun 1 a deep sore caused by repeated injections us 1967. 2 a facial blemish us 1968 crates noun the female breasts new Zealand 1984 c-rat grenade noun a crude hand grenade fashioned by the Viet Cong using a US combat rations can as the grenade shell us 1990 c-rats noun US Army combat rations. Vietnam war coinage in continuing use us 1965 craven adjective gluttonous greedy Grenada 1996 cravenous adjective .