For particular contributions I would like to thank: Flight Lieutenant Andrew Resoli; Lisa and Tim Hale; David Morrison; some of the inmates at HMP High Down in the summer of 2002; Antonio Lille for his work on rhyming slang; various magazine editors and journalists who addressed so many of my queries of modern usage; and, for a splendid collection of cocaine-related slang, a certain group of musicians (whose management would prefer that they remain anonymous). | 241 factory driver fair go factory driver noun in motor racing a driver officially representing a car manufacturer us 1980 fac-U nickname during the Vietnam war the forward air controller training facility in Phan Rhang. The FAC from forward air controller the U from university and the combination from a sense of mischief us 1942 fade noun 1 a departure us 1942. 2 a black person who tries to lose his identity as a black person and to assume an identity more pleasing to the dominant white society us 1970. 3 a white person us 1972. 4 a haircut style in which the sides of the head are closely cut and the top of the head is not Also heard as a fadie us 1989 fade verb 1 to leave to disappear us 1899. 2 to idle to waste time us 1968. 3 to match the bet of another gambler to bet against another gambler s success us 1890. 4 to buy part of something us 2004. 5 to dealwith to handle us 1972. fade a beef to cause a complaint or criminal charge to be removed us 1976 fadeaway noun in hot rodding a design feature that blends the front fender back into the car body us 1954 fade away verb to become quiet us 1947 faded adjective 1 drunk us 1998. 2 drug-intoxicated us 1998 fade-out noun a disappearance us 1918 faff about faff around verb to mess about to waste time on matters of no importance. An apparent euphemism for fuck but originally British dialect faffle with the same sense uk 1874 fag noun 1 a male homosexual. Shortened from faggot us 1921. 2 a cigarette a cigarette butt uk 1888. 3 a despicable unlikeable person. No allegation of homosexuality is inherent in this usage us 1982 8see FAG PACKET fag around verb of presumptively heterosexual male friends to joke around or engage in horseplay us 1997 fag-bag verb to rob a homosexual man us 1977 fag-bait noun an effeminate boy or young man us 1974 fag bangle noun a homosexual man who accompanies a heterosexualwoman. Derives from the purely decorative effect of the relationship uk 2002 fag factory noun 1 a place where homosexuals .