From about 1850, slang has been the accepted term for 'illegitimate' colfoquial speech: but since then, especially among the lower classes, 'lingo' has been a synonym, and so also, chiefly among the cultured and the pretentious, has 'argot'. Now 'argot', being merely the French for 'slang', has no business to be used thus - it can rightly be applied only to French slang of French cant: and 'lingo' properly means a simplified language that, like Beach-la-Mar and Pidgin-English, represents a distortion of (say) English by coloured peoples speaking English indeed but adapting it to their own phonetics and grammar | 269 freeside fresh freeside adjective outside prison us 1960 freestyle noun heterosexual intercourse uk 2000 freestyle verb to improvise and perform a rap lyric often a capella US 1995 freeware noun computer software provided free of charge us 1983 freeway noun in a prison dormitory the aisle through the centre of the room. Alluding to the constant foot traffic us 1996 freeway surfer noun a person who embraces the mannerisms of surfing owns the equipment needed to surf but who chooses to watch from the safety of the car us 1987 free white and 21 adjective possessing free willand able to exercise self-determination us 1949 free world noun life outside prison us 1960 free-world adjective civilian from outside prison us 1967 free-world gal noun a male prisoner who practised homosexuality before entering prison us 1972 free-world punk noun a male prisoner who engaged in homosexual sex before prison us 1972 freeze noun 1 cocaine. From the numbing cooling effect us 1984. 2 a small amount of cocaine placed on the tongue us 1989. 3 a rejection of affection. Colder than the proverbial cold shoulder us 1942 freeze verb 1 to stop moving completely uk 1848. 2 in draw poker to decline the opportunity to discard and draw any new cards us 1971. freeze your nose to use cocaine. From the drug s numbing effect on mucuous membranes us 1972. freeze your nuts to be extremely cold uk 2001 freeze-out noun a poker game in which all participants must play untilthey lose all their money or win allthe other players money US 1975 freezer noun in poker an early callmade even as other players continue to raise their bets us 1957. the freezer Antarctica ANTARCTICA 1993 freeze up verb to become paralyzed with fear. An occupational hazard of those who work high above the ground us 1989 freight noun the cost of something especially a bribe us 1950. pull freight on the railways to quit a job us 1977 freight train noun a wave breaking powerfully in perfect formation US 1987 French noun 1 oral sex .