Game Design: Theory & Practice- P11: My earliest recollection of playing a computer game was when I stumbled upon a half-height Space Invaders at a tiny Mexican restaurant in my hometown. I was perhaps six, and Space Invaders was certainly the most marvelous thing I had ever seen, at least next to LegoLand. | 278 Chapter 14 Interview Chris Crawford Dan refused just said flat out That will not happen. And Global Conquest was the same way. It was not so much about shooting as about teamwork. My conquer-the-world game Guns Butter was really more about macroeconomics. In fact during development it was called Macro-Economic Conquest. I think it s reasonably successful as a game to teach about how history really develops but that s all. It was certainly one of my poorest games no question. It really didn t have that much creativity. There were some cute ideas but where that game had cute ideas Siboot had thunderclaps of genius. For example Guns Butter had this nifty little algorithm for generating continents. I also developed a wonderful algorithm for giving names to states and provinces and I m very proud of that algorithm it s very clever. But this is mere cleverness not creative genius. Guns Butter has some interesting ideas about balancing complex systems. But you think it did not work No it didn t work largely because I completely blew the handling of trade and alliances. That was a disaster. I think if I d given that game another six months it probably would have worked out just fine but I rushed it. Balance of the Planet seems to be an extremely educationally oriented game. Was that your intent Oh absolutely. I had no intent whatsoever to make something that was fun. My feeling was OK there are all of those shoot- em-ups and so forth and I m not going to try to compete with those things. I m going to do a game that taps into another area of humanity. So I m going to do pure simulation and I m Balance of the Planet going to make that simulation very realistic and very educational as well. We knew Earth Day 1990 was coming up and we thought We re going to release this thing in time for Earth Day. And I felt that would be one of my contributions. Again Vietnam generation Earth Day and all that jazz. Balance of Power was about the Vietnam War and Balance of the Planet was