Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P14: My intent in writing Animating Real-Time Game Characters has been to share my work methods, thoughts, and ideas about animating real-time characters in 3ds max 4™ and character studio 3®. Any factor that affects the animation process using these two tools has been covered. | INDEX A Active Time Segment button 325 Actors creating and exporting 374-376 All Links option of Type-In dialog 114 Anchor keys 238-240 Angle value settings for rota- tions 367-369 Animation animation sets 175-181 categories of character ani- mation 180-181 character identity and 172-175 character implementation 186-189 death animation sequence 325-327 details in 280 drift correcting 240-243 255 dynamic action 267-268 exporting animations with actors 376-379 Footstep vs. Freeform mode 192 game environments and 177 ideology of 280 idle poses 176 236-238 248-250 jumps 259-280 keyframe animation 181-183 layers and 224-229 317-325 331-336 memory and 177-179 modeling to accommodate 32 optimizing with key reduction 299-304 organizing files 192-193 202-203 secondary motion 219-220 243-246 265 266 271-272 279-280 324 331-336 selection sets 193-196 shooting weapons 250- 259 smooth loops in 284-286 snapshots as references 274-277 special moves 235 swimming 281-292 Time Configuration 200-201 track selection 197 track view 197-201 walking realistic 187-189 see also Keyframe animation Loops animation Motion capture mocap animation Motion Flow mode 383 384 Index Arms Bipeds adjustments 61-67 72-73 copying limb poses 283 gun arm weighting 128-133 weighting 105-113 Artists inspiration for character design 2-3 Asset Browser of 3 ds 8-9 B Backface Cull 26 Battle Chasers 6-7 Bias keyframe animation 210 BioVisionHierarchical BVH files 296-299 300 Bipeds arm and leg adjustments 61-67 72-73 body adjustments 59-61 70-71 coordinate systems 60-61 creating 55-58 da Vinci poses and 81-83 display options for 140-141 dog rigs 73-74 dolphin rigs 74-75 fitting to mesh 38-39 57 four-legged creatures and 68-74 head adjustments 59-61 70-71 hierarchy in 60 keyframing and 193-196 leg attachments 60 loading BIP files 123-125 loading CSM or BVH files 296-299 meshes for 53-55 poses saving 67-68 rotating with Motion Flow Editor 325-331 Rubber Band mode and joints in 62 63 selection sets and 193-196 .