Expert Systems are computer systems which embody some of the experience and specialised knowledge of an expert and thereby mimic the expert and act as a consultant in a particular area. Knowledge is often represented in an Expert System in a knowledge base, which is a network of interconnected rules which represent the human expertise. | This does not mean that the Expert System is an infallible way to secure that the loans given out are repaid in due time and without any problems. Even though Artificial Intelligence has improved immensely these last years, it is still an artificial way of arriving to a particular result. Human intervention is still an important resource which even an Expert System cannot replace completely. An expert and professional manager can assess situations in a different manner since he can actually talk to the clients and can draw conclusions which an Expert System would not be able to determine. This fact is more strengthened by the fact that this particular banking sector involves millions of pounds and cannot be managed in an irresponsible manner. Although the margin of error of Artificial Intelligence may be minimal, this should further be reduced by involving human intervention to examine and counter-check the work done by Expert Systems. After all, interaction between client and the bank must exist in one way or another. Delicate matters such as money borrowing need to be based on a reciprocal trust between both parties (in this case the client and the bank representative) and Expert Systems, however accurate, cannot provide such interaction.