Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P4: The good news is Dreamweaver provides numerous windows, panels, inspectors, and toolbars for streamlining the way you build websites. The bad news, unfortunately, is that Dreamweaver provides numerous windows, panels, inspectors, and toolbars for streamlining the way you build websites. Why so many windows, panels, and so on, Dreamweaver is unprecedented in the feature set it provides, allowing developers complete control when building websites and applications | You ll also notice in Figure that the Snippets panel is organized into two halves. The top half includes a preview of the code snippet selected within the categorized list of snippets in the bottom half. HTML snippets are usually shown in a design view showing what the HTML looks like in the browser whereas JavaScript and other code snippets are shown in Code view so that you can see the actual code. Inserting a snippet is merely a matter of selecting the appropriate snippet and either dragging it into the code environment or choosing the snippet and clicking the Insert button located in the bottom left of the Snippets panel. Creating your own snippet is just as easy but slightly more involved. To create your own snippet follow these steps 1. Create a new folder for your snippet by right-clicking Control click in the Snippets window and choosing New Folder. Give the snippet folder a descriptive name remembering that other developers might want to use your snippets too. If the folder is created in the wrong place you can drag it to the level you want. I ll call my new folder Table Row Rollover. 2. Right-click Control click the folder and choose New Snippet from the context menu. Alternatively you may have already written the snippet code in the page if so highlight the code you want to use as the snippet and right-click Control click to choose Create New Snippet from the pop-up menu. 3. You will then be presented with the Snippet dialog box. Fill in the snippet name and description. If you have highlighted existing code the code box will already be filled in. I ll add the following HTML code to the Insert code text box Code View table tr onmouseover cccccc onmouseout ffffff td align center width 125 a href Home a td tr tr onmouseover cccccc onmouseout ffffff td align center width 125 a href HelpDesk a td tr tr onmouseover cccccc