Introduction to AutoCAD 2011- P5: The purpose of writing this book is to produce a text suitable for students in Further and/or Higher Education who are required to learn how to use the computer-aided design (CAD) software package AutoCAD 2011. Students taking examinations based on CAD will find the contents of the book of great assistance. | 118 Introduction to AutoCAD 2011 Note Remember the default rotation of AutoCAD 2011 is counterclockwise. This applies to the use of the Break tool. The Join tool CHAPTER 5 The Join tool can be used to join plines providing their ends are touching to join lines which are in line with each other and to join arcs and convert arcs to circles. Examples - Join Fig. 1. Construct a rectangle from four separate plines - drawing 1 of Fig. construct two lines - drawing 2 of Fig. and an arc -drawing 3 of Fig. . 2. Call the Join tool - either click the Join tool icon in the Home Modify panel Fig. select Join from the Modify drop-down menu or enter join or j at the command line. The command line shows Fig. The Join tool icon from the Home Modify panel Select source object Command _join Select objects to join found Select objects to join found 2 total Select objects to join found 3 total Select objects to join to source pick a pline 1 to source pick another 1 to source pick another 1 to source right-click The Modify tools 119 3 segments added to polyline Command right-click JOIN Select source object pick one of the lines Select lines to join to source pick the other 1 found Select lines to join to source right-click 1 line joined to source Command right-click JOIN Select source object pick the arc Select arcs to join to source or cLose enter l right-click Arc converted to a circle. Command The results are shown in Fig. . 1 4 separate plines Fig. Examples - Join Result 1 a closed polyline CHAPTER 5 2 ------------ 3 The Extend tool Examples - Extend Fig. 1. Construct plines and a circle as shown in the left-hand drawings of Fig. . 2. Call Extend - either click the Extend tool icon in the Home Modify panel Fig. pick Extend from the Modify drop-down menu or enter ex or extend at the command line which then shows Command _extend Current settings Projection UCS Edge Extend Select boundary edges . . . 120 Introduction to AutoCAD 2011 .