Flash CS4 Professional in 24 Hours- P9: The creation of this book could not have happened without the skill and patience of many, many people at Sams Publishing. Most of all, I want to thank Mark Taber for offering me this opportunity and Philip Kerman for writing such a great book. I also greatly appreciate the efforts of Songlin Qiu for keeping me on track and organized, not an easy task. | Importing Sounds 231 Rights Management DRM technology that make them difficult or impossible to copy. Some CDs don t even play in your CD player. Fortunately you can usually use sound in your animation without worrying about all these details as you see in the next task. The process of importing sounds into Flash is simple. Follow these steps TRY IT YOURSELF 1. In a new file select File Import Import to Library and then select an audio file to import. In Windows you are likely to find a few WAV files in the folder C Windows Media or My Documents My Music or you can search for .wav and .mp3 Macintosh Mac users can use Find for Files of Type Sound. You can filter the files shown in the Import dialog box by setting the Files of Type drop-down list to All Sound Formats as shown in Figure . If you simply can t find any audio files you can download some from the publisher s website. Import a Sound FIGURE When importing audio or any media type you can filter the types of files listed to include only the formats you are seeking. 2. After you select an audio file and click OK in the Import dialog box you don t see anything on the Stage or Timeline. However the sound has been imported and now resides in the Library. Open the Library window by pressing Ctrl L to see it. Now that the movie contains the sound file you can use the sound. 3. Although we re not covering how to use sounds in depth until the next section it s easy. There are two basic ways to use the sound in a 232 HOUR 13 Including Sound in Animations r TRY IT YOURSELF Import a Sound keyframe. One way is to drag the sound from the Library window onto the Stage. This method requires an editable frame which is located in an unlocked layer marked as editable with a pencil and with the current-frame marker in a non-tweened frame. The other method requires you to select a keyframe by clicking under 1 in the Timeline and then in the Properties panel select the sound you imported from the dropdown list as shown .