Flash CS4 Professional in 24 Hours- P17: The creation of this book could not have happened without the skill and patience of many, many people at Sams Publishing. Most of all, I want to thank Mark Taber for offering me this opportunity and Philip Kerman for writing such a great book. I also greatly appreciate the efforts of Songlin Qiu for keeping me on track and organized, not an easy task. | Motion Presets panel 471 Library command Window menu 91 240 Library for Keyframing opening 240 light Advanced Properties panel 104 Brightness Properties panel 102-103 Tint Color Style Properties panel 104 Lighten option blends 115 Line tool 15 39-41 lines and fills 180 407-408 bending 57 changing 40-41 curved anchor points tangents 50 drawing 50 drawing 39-41 endpoints connecting 66 extending 58 shapes 46-47 linking movies to web servers 369 links 369 list components data providers 333 335 Live Preview 321 Load Movie Action 392-393 loaders Bandwidth Profiler 421-422 loading .jpg files 391 movies 391 determining when loaded 395 Load Movie Action 392-393 unloading how to 395 loadMovie Action 391 location of symbol instances transforming 101 Lock Fill option Paint Bucket tool 123-126 locking Graphic symbols to Timeline 259 Loop settings sounds 239-241 looping movies 291-293 lossless file compression 78-81 M M layer Timeline 150 Macintosh Projector 452-454 Magnification command View menu 12 mailto command 382 managing Library 97-99 mapping points in images 183 Shape Hints Shape Tween 185 margins adjusting 52 markers red current frame 144-145 interpolated frames 163 keyframes editing 164 Time In Time Out sounds 239 markup languages 369 marqueeing 58-59 Masked Layer creating spotlight effects 278-280 masking 16 hand-drawn transitions creating 280-281 stencils 281-282 master names symbols 260 master symbols 106 instances onstage behavior 256 media choosing to publish 446 compressing 413-414 expor ting 455 impor ting 413-414 Merge mode versus Object draw mode 55 metadata movies adding to 443-444 XMP metadata 444-445 methods 303 addItem 329-332 Missing Font Warning dialogs 130 modems converting bits to bytes 417 modes Brush Mode 45 Modify command Transform panel 64 Modify menu commands Arrange 108 Break Apart 269-271 Convert to Symbol 101 108 Curves 180 Document 146 Document Properties 146 Optimize 419-420 Modify Onion Markers menu commands Onion All 419-420 modifying poses