As mentioned in Chapter 1, the first public mobile telephone system, known as Mobile Telephone System (MTS), was introduced in 1946. Although it was considered a big technological breakthrough at that time, it suffered many limitations such as (a) the fact that transceivers were very big and could be carried only by vehicles, (b) inefficient way of spectrum usage and (c) manual call switching. IMTS was an improvement on MTS offering more channels and automatic call switching. However, the era of cellular telephony as we understand it today began with the introduction of the First Generation of cellular systems (1G. | Wireless Networks. P. Nicopolitidis M. S. Obaidat G. I. Papadimitriou and A. S. Pomportsis Copyright 2003 John Wiley Sons Ltd. ISBN 0-470-84529-5 3 First Generation 1G Cellular Systems Introduction As mentioned in Chapter 1 the first public mobile telephone system known as Mobile Telephone System MTS was introduced in 1946. Although it was considered a big technological breakthrough at that time it suffered many limitations such as a the fact that transceivers were very big and could be carried only by vehicles b inefficient way of spectrum usage and c manual call switching. IMTS was an improvement on MTS offering more channels and automatic call switching. However the era of cellular telephony as we understand it today began with the introduction of the First Generation of cellular systems 1G systems . The major difference between 1G systems and MTS IMTS was the use of the cellular concept in 1G which brought about a revolution in the area of mobile telephony. This revolution took a lot of people by surprise even AT T who estimated that just 1 million cellular customers would exist by the end of the century instead of the many hundreds of millions that exist today. The use of the cellular concept greatly improved spectrum usage for the reasons mentioned in the previous chapters. However 1G systems are now considered technologically primitive. Nevertheless this does not change the fact that a significant number of people still use analog cellular phones and an analog cellular infrastructure is found throughout North America and other parts of the world. The moral lesson from this fact is obvious and has been seen in other areas of technology as well - the market does not entirely follow technological developments. However the reason why 1G systems are considered primitive is due to the fact that they utilize analog signaling for user traffic. This leads to a number of problems No use of encryption. The use of analog signaling does not permit efficient .