Essential LightWave 3D- P13: What you have in your hands is, quite simply, a collection of tools and techniques that many professional LightWave artists use every single day doing what we do in our various fields. The tools and techniques explored in this book are essential to creating the caliber of imagery that you see on film and television and in print and video games. | Chapter 14 Figure 14-91 Extend the points at the inside of the eye then size them down and move them back slightly. Now let s work on the nose by adding a basic nostril. Select the four polygons there will be a total of eight selected if you ve got Symmetry turned on shown in Figure 14-92. The image at the bottom of Figure 14-92 shows the results of the Smooth Shift operation. 3. Sculpt the nose as shown in Figure 14-93. The points around the tip should 1. Activate the Smooth Shift tool by pressing F . be moved outward. The points at the top and bottom of the nostril should be 2. Position your mouse over any of the viewports and click either the left or right mouse button. Make sure you moved up slightly. This will round the outside of the nostril and create a slightly concave shape underneath. don t move your mouse when you click Figure 14-92 Select the four polys in the top image then smooth shift to get the results shown in the bottom image. 348 Spline Modeling Exercise 2 Modeling a Human Head Figure 14-93 Sculpt the nose region and refine the nostrils. Looking at our model again it appears that the skull of our character no longer seems to fit the reference image. Let s fix that. 1. Select the polygons that make up the top of the head shown at the top of Figure 14-94. 2. Activate the Stretch tool and position your mouse just above the center of the ear in the Right viewport. Figure 14-94 Stretch the top of the head slightly so that it more closely matches the reference image. 3. Hold down the Ctrl key or use your middle mouse button and drag your mouse to the right stretching the head horizontally about 107 or until it more closely fits the background image. Zoom out and take a look at what you ve done so far. These small changes have made big improvements. In order to make the rest of our changes however we re going to need a serious reduction in polys. 349 Chapter 14 Polygon Reduction So far we ve achieved the first goal of head modeling namely developing .