As the name implies, the test is delivered over the Internet. Test-takers work on the tests at individual computer stations at official testing centers. The test is f offered only on scheduled testing dates. | 1 Lesson 21 Taking Notes and Planning the Integrated Response 599 Exercise Focus Connecting corresponding key points and preparing a simple outline for the Integrated Writing task. DiRECTiONs Using the notes that you took on the passages and the lectures in Exercise complete the outlines in this exercise. The first one is done for you as an example. Outline for Task 1 Main topic Treaty regulating economic activitg in Antarctic Main idea of the lecture No developm t in Antarctica continue following treatg Main idea of the passage Change treatg exploration extraction of oil gas should be considered. Key Point 1 supporting information from the lecture _Oil gas must be shipped from coast__ Dangerous because of icebergs great damage to environ if oil tanker damaged penguins whales . Key Point 1 supporting information from the passage Antarct. a huge continent ontg coast has life Key Point 2 supporting information from the lecture Conditions much worse than Alas N. Sea__ Spkr has personal experiences in Antarc. Key Point 2 supporting information from the passage _Difficult conditions but so were Alaska North Sea__ Todag in future have better technol. for extracting oil etc. Key Point 3 supporting information from the lecture _Too expensive even if oil prices go up__ Better to invest in alternate fuel H fuel . Key Point 3 supporting information from the passage Expensive but in the future gas prices wilt go up Conclusion if any Lecture _ Not onlg scientists gov t reps from alt over world agree to treatg good idea to protect Antarc from politicians multi-nat l corps Passage _ Onlg scientific elite now control fut of Antarct. devel should be debated Writing 600 Section 4 .