However, the Integrated Writing Task and the Speaking Section may seem challenging because you do not have much experience with this kind of task. With the practice that you get in The Complete Guide to the TOEFL, iBTEditionf you should feel much more comfortable and confident when you actually take the test. | About the In dependent Writing Task 653 But I m sure that if we concentrate only on the question of how to survive the humanity will lose the reason for development. If we refuse from space researches or any kind of the scientific researches we will stop moving forward. And the absence of moving forward means the death of the humanity s spirit. That s why I agree with the statement. Score 4 Comments This essay shows that the writer has a good command of English vocabulary and grammar usage. While the essay is generally coherent and provides details the writer sometimes digresses and provides unnecessary information. This essay would be more on track if the writer took a position in the opening paragraph and supported his or her position more clearly in the remaining paragraphs. Response 3 Well about the topic I think that there are others subjects much more important to be researching. One of them and to me the most important one is the health. The cancer cure is not totally developed yet. The number of AIDs victims multiplying at an incredibly way. So although I find in space a very fascinating and misterious subject I agree with the opposite view that the money spend on it is wasted when are so many people dying around the world as a result of unknown diseases or not having answers or cures for the ones we already known or because is not enough money for purification of the water vaccines for the diseases or training the doctors. More money for the education is also very important. More schools and good teachers are needed. I believe cientifics should focus health in the first place and then to extend the researches in other fields. Score 3 Comments This writer understands the assignment yet answers it by telling the reader what other things are more important before stating his or her position on the topic. The writer shows that he or she has some knowledge of English vocabulary but there are errors in sentence structure grammatical usage and overall clarity. .