7 Sulfur Sulfur (S) is unique in having changed within just a few years, from being viewed as an undesired pollutant to being seen as a major nutrient limiting plant production in Western Europe. In East Asia, where, under current legislative restrictions | 6 30 2006 3 59 PM Page 183 7 Sulfur Silvia I laneklaus Elke Bloem and Ewald Schnug Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Braunschweig Germany Luit J. de Kok and Ineke Stulen University of Groningen Haren The Netherlands CONTENTS Introduction .183 Sulfur in Plant Physiology .184 Uptake Transport and Assimilation of Foliar Uptake and Metabolism of Sulfurous Gases .187 Major Organic Sulfur Secondary Sulfur Compounds .192 Interactions between Sulfur and Other Minerals .195 Nitrogen-Sulfur Interactions between Sulfur and Micronutrients .197 Sulfur in Plant Nutrition .198 Diagnosis of Sulfur Nutritional Symptomatology of Single Symptomatology of Monocots .200 Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms on a Field Scale .201 Soil Analysis .202 Plant Analytical Methods .206 Assessment of Critical Nutrient Values .208 Sulfur Status and Plant Health .217 Sulfur Fertilization .219 Acknowledgment .223 References .223 INTRODUCTION Sulfur S is unique in having changed within just a few years from being viewed as an undesired pollutant to being seen as a major nutrient limiting plant production in Western Europe. In East Asia where under current legislative restrictions sulfur dioxide SO2 emissions are expected to increase further by 34 by 2030 1 considerations of sulfur pollution are a major issue. Similarly in Europe sulfur is still associated with its once detrimental effects on forests which peaked in the 183 6 30 2006 3 59 PM Page 184 184 Handbook of Plant Nutrition 1970s 2 and which gave this element the name yellow poison. With Clean Air Acts coming into force at the start of the 1980s atmospheric sulfur depositions were reduced drastically and rapidly in Western Europe and declined further in the 1990s after the political transition of .