Adobe Photoshop P12: Adobe Photoshop delivers powerful, industry-standard image-editing tools for professional designers who want to produce sophisticated graphics for the Web and for print. Included with Photoshop is ImageReady and its powerful set of Web tools for optimizing and previewing images, batch-processing images with droplets in the Actions palette, and creating GIF animations. Photoshop and ImageReady combined offer a comprehensive environment for designing graphics for the Web | ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 371 Classroom in a Book 11 Make sure the Transparency option is selected in the palette a check mark must appear in the box . Selecting Transparency converts areas in the original image with less than 50 opacity to background transparency in the optimized image. 12 Choose Select Deselect. 13 Choose File Save. Creating background matting in GIF and PNG images When you know the Web page background color on which an image will be displayed you can use the mattingfeature to fill or blend transparent pixels with a matte color that matches the Web page background. The Web page background must be a solid color not a pattern. The results of matting GIF and PNG-8 images depend on the Transparency option. If you select Transparency only the partially transparent pixels such as those at the edge of an anti-aliased image are matted. When the image is placed on a Web page the Web background shows through the transparent pixels and the edges of the image blend with the background. This feature prevents the halo effect that results when an anti-aliased image is placed on a background color that differs from the image s original background. This feature also prevents the jagged edges that result with GIF hard-edged transparency. If you deselect Transparency fully transparent pixels are filled with the matte color and partially transparent pixels are blended with the matte color. -From Adobe Photoshop online Help To view the transparency you ve just defined you ll use ImageReady to preview the GIF image in a Web browser. Because ImageReady displays the image on a Web page with a white background you ll change the matte color of the image so you can see the transparency you created. 14 Click the Matte text box in the Optimize palette to open the Color Picker dialog box. Select a color other than white and click OK. 15 Choose File Preview In and choose the desired Web browser from the submenu. Note To use the Preview In command you must have a Web browser .