Adobe illustrator cs4- P14: Good designers have many tools at their disposal. Especially in an environment where most designers have other powerful graphics applications, it can be diffi cult to choose which one to use for a particular task. For example, a designer can apply soft drop shadows in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign—is one application any better than the others for this? | 364 CHAPTER 11 EXPLORING THE WORLD OF 3D The most important part of this exercise is to try to visualize where the invisible axis is. When you think of a barbell you may think of it as you normally see it lying on the ground in a horizontal format. Because the Illustrator Revolve effect always uses a vertical axis you had to think of the barbell as standing on its side. Once it s created you can use the track cube to rotate it into any position or orientation you need. The examples you ve tried so far should help fuel your creativity and give you the information you need to create complex 3D objects on your own. The Importance of Applying 3D Effects to Groups When applying any 3D effect it s important to understand its limitations so you can figure out how to make it do what you want. Previously in this chapter we stated that the Illustrator 3D effects have two main limitations 3D objects cannot intersect each other and each 3D object lives in its own 3D world. Hence each object maintains its own individual vanishing point or invisible axis. Basically multiple objects in your document cannot share a single vanishing point share the same perspective or revolve around the same axis. If you were paying attention in Chapter 5 Organizing Your Artwork you remember that effects produce a different appearance when applied at the group or layer level instead of at the object level. Because 3D is a live effect the same rules for how groups work apply here as well. If you apply a 3D effect at the group level all objects inside that group can share the same vanishing point or perspective. In the example of the barbell you just created you were able to create a single axis that all the objects shared by grouping all the objects together before applying the 3D effect. Had you selected the objects in the file and applied the 3D Revolve effect without first creating a group the result would be different and not what you would expect Figure . Figure If you take the same