Longman grammar of spoken and written english part 55

Tham khảo tài liệu 'longman grammar of spoken and written english part 55', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Infinitive clauses 735 7b-dause v. bare infinitive clause with dare and help Two main clause verbs can control either a to-clause or a bare infinitive dare and help. Dare can also be considered a marginal auxiliary . In interrogative and negative structures the choice between to-clause and bare infinitive clause is available only when dare is used as a lexical verb rather than as an auxiliary . dare Would he dare to suck a sleeve fict 1 don t think she would dare say anything to me about it. conv help The legislation on unofficial strikes would help to prevent disruption of essential services news It is hoped that this monograph will help fill this void acad Since help is more common and occurs freely with both bare and to-infinitive complements we focus on help primarily in this account. Dialect factors There are clear dialect differences in the preferred form of infinitive clauses following the verbs dare and help AmE has an especially strong preference for the pattern verb bare infinitive although the bare infinitive is more common than the to-infinitive in both dialects. The bare infinitive is particularly dominant in the pattern verb NP infinitive clause. Table Help followed by an infinitive clause in BrE and AmE conversation and news with or without an intervening noun phrase occurrences per million words each represents 5 each represents less than 3 BrE CONV help 4- to-clause help bare infinitive AmE CONV help -I- to-clause help bare infinitive BrE NEWS help to-clause help bare infinitive AmE NEWS help to-clause help bare infinitive 736 FORM AND FUNCTION OF COMPLEMENT CLAUSES DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS The following illustrates the tendency in AmE for bare infinitive in the pattern help NP infinitive clause His proposal includes tax vouchers and deductions to help millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans buy private medical coverage. AmE NEWS Brenner helps the individual understand his problems. AmE news He .

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