Special Symbols α-level set a crisp set of elements belonging to a fuzzy set A at least to a degree α Aα = {x ∈ X | µA (x) ≥ α} See also crisp set, fuzzy set. f hertz. common symbol for bandwidth, in µ0 common symbol for permeability of free space constant. µ0 = × 10−16 henrys/meter. common symbol for relative permeµr ability. ω common symbol for radian frequency in radians/second. ω = 2 · π · frequency. common symbol for positive transition θ+ angle in degrees. common symbol for negative transiθ− tion angle in degrees. common symbol for conduction. | Book Definitions Electrical Engineering Dictionary. Ed. Phillip A. Laplante Boca Raton CRC Press LLC 2000 Special Symbols a-level set a crisp set of elements belong- ing to a fuzzy set A at least to a degree a Aa x 2 X a x ag See also crisp set fuzzy set. 1f common symbol for bandwidth in hertz. erGaAs common symbol for gallium ar- senide relative dielectric constant. erGaAs . erSi common symbol for silicon relative dielectric constant. erSi . eo symbol for permitivity of free space. e0 x 10-12 farad meter. er common symbol for relative dielectric constant. dc common symbol for DC to RF conversion efficiency. Expressed as a percentage. qa common symbol for power added ef- ficiency. Expressed as a percentage. t common symbol for total or true effi- ciency. Expressed as a percentage. Topt common symbol for source reflection coefficient for optimum noise performance. fi0 common symbol for permeability of free space constant. 0 x 10-16 henrys meter. ir common symbol for relative perme- ability. common symbol for radian frequency in radians second. 2 n frequency. 0C common symbol for positive transition angle in degrees. 0- common symbol for negative transi- tion angle in degrees. 0cond common symbol for conduction an- gle in degrees. 0sat common symbol for saturation angle in degrees. 0CC common symbol for FET channel- to-case thermal resistance in C watt. 0jc common symbol forbipolarjunction- to-case thermal resistance in C watt. A common symbol for Richardson s constant. A amperes cm K BVgd See gate-to-drain breakdown voltage. BVgs See gate-to-source breakdown voltage. dv dt rate of change of voltage withstand capability without spurious turn-on of the device. Hci ne watts. nsh watts. See intrinsic coercive force. common symbol for excess noise in common symbol for shot noise in 2000 by CRC Press LLC nt common symbol for thermal noise in watts. 10base2 a type of coaxial cable used to connect nodes on an Ethernet network. The 10 refers to the