Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers 6. Explore in detail microcontroller interfacing techniques using the popular PIC 16F877 Work through step-by-step examples interactively using circuit simulation software, supplied as assembly source code Gain the knowledge of a wide range of peripheral devices such as keyboards, displays, sensors and drives and serial communication with other processors, memory and more Use interactive simulation software to design and test circuits. | Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers a Figure PIC development systems a programming unit b ICD system Source Code Edit Debug Stopwatch File Register Display Error Messages Debug Tools Input Stimulus Special Function Registers Figure Screenshot of MPLAB 36 PIC Software MCU is left in circuit at all times which minimises the possibility of damage and is reprogrammed via the same pins as before in Port B. However the chip can now be programmed to run in ICD mode this means program execution in the chip itself can be controlled from MPLAB. The program can be stopped started and single stepped in the same way as in software simulation mode. The program can thus be tested within the target hardware a much more realistic and powerful option. MPLAB can be downloaded free from development tools . The essential elements are an editor assembler simulator and programmer. The interface is shown in a typical configuration in the screenshot Figure . Assembly Language MPLAB has an integrated text editor designed for entering PIC programs. An assembly language program can be entered using the instruction set defined for the MCU chosen plus any assembler directives required. Assembler Code The general syntax requirements for the typical PIC program have already been seen in Program BIN4 . The source code occupies the columns to the right of the line numbers in the list file Column 2 . The columns to the left of the line numbers are the machine code and the memory locations at which each code is stored. A typical instruction is analysed in Table . The machine code instruction provides the information to the execution unit of the MCU to carry out the required operation move calculate test etc. . It could be entered in plain binary but this would require us to look up the code List File Column Example Content Meaning 0 000C Memory location at which machine code instruction is stored 1 1C08 Machine code instruction including op-code and operands 2 00065