5 Methods to make compost There are many ways of making compost. In this chapter different methods are given. We have gratefully made use of materials of HDRA and KIOF in order to be able to present many different methods of compost making in this Chapter. | 5 Methods to make compost There are many ways of making compost. In this chapter different methods are given. We have gratefully made use of materials of HDRA and KIOF in order to be able to present many different methods of compost making in this Chapter. Taking into account the factors mentioned before such as availability of organic materials and weather conditions a choice can be made from these methods. In the long run everyone must work out a method to suit oneself. We advise you to experiment and find the method that suits best to your situation. Of course you can always contact Agromisa HDRA or KIOF ask for specific information. The addresses are given in the section Useful Addresses. Indore method The Indore Method is much used for composting in layers. Building the heap The basis of the heap should consist of twigs and cane shoots. The following successive layers are piled on top of this a layer of about 10 cm tough organic material which is difficult to decompose a layer of about 10 cm fresh organic material which decomposes easily a layer of 2 cm animal manure compost or slurry from a biogas tank. a thin layer of soil the soil should be collected come from the top layer top 10 cm of clean moist soil . from under trees . This ensures that the right micro-organisms are brought into the heap. 22 The preparation and use of compost This sequence of layers is repeated until the heap has reached a final height of to 2 meters. In this way the heap is composed of many layers. Building the heap should be done quickly preferably within a week. See figure 5. Layer of soil or leaves to cover the heap Fresh plant material Manure or compost thin layer of soil Fresh plant material Manure or compost thin layer of soil Fresh plant material Sugarcane stalks or twigs Figure 5 Example of an Indore compost heap Turning over During decomposition the heap has to be turned over regularly in order that it remains well aerated and all the material is converted into .