The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P14: Sharon Steuer is the originator of The Illustrator Wow! Books. When not working on Wow! books, Sharon is a painter, illustrator, columnist for , and the author of Creative Thinking in Photoshop: A New Approach to Digital Art. She lives in Connecticut with her cats, Puma and Bear, and radio star husband, Jeff Jacoby. She is extremely grateful to her co-authors, editors, testers, Wow! team members (past and present), Adobe, and Peachpit for making this book possible | Adobe Color picker Illustrator now supports the Adobe Color Picker. Double-click on the color proxy in the Toolbox or on the Color palette to open the Color Picker. Enable the Only Web Colors checkbox to limit the Color Picker to Web safe colors. Pixel units Control-click Mac Right mouseclick Win on the rulers after View Show Rulers and select Pixels to display the units as pixels. Auto-opening select libraries Set any swatch library Window Swatch Libraries to open automatically when you launch Illustrator by selecting Persistent from the palette s pop-up menu. Choose it again to reset the palette to close by default. SVG or SVGZ Compressed SVG compressed is gzipped or gnu-zipped and is the W3C-sanctioned version of raw SVG. The Adobe SVG Viewer automatically decompresses the file on the client browser and displays it as normal. So there is little difference between the formats except that one is much smaller. An exception occurs when you use a database to serve information to a client. In this case you will need a script to decompress and then re-compress the file. Andrew T. Watanabe gradients or gradient mesh objects recognize that you ll be creating bitmapped images that will result in larger file sizes. If you import or create rasterized art for the Internet rasterize at 72 ppi not the default to keep file sizes small. To export a file s layers or paths selectively hide the ones you don t want before exporting. If the object you want to export to Flash contains a dashed stroke expand it using the Tip Outlining Dashed Strokes in the Drawing Coloring chapter. Or you can use your operating system s clipboard to copy the stroke from Illustrator and paste it into Flash. To preserve the dash and gap pattern of the Illustrator object choose Preferences File Handling Clipboard and then select PDF for the Copy As option. If you don t do this the dash and gap pattern will be converted to the default pattern in Flash. Choosing Export Al Layers to SWF Files turns each .