Với công cụ Crop, bạn có thể kiểm soát được phần của một bức ảnh sẽ mở ra trong Photoshop. Bạn có thể điều chỉnh marquee cắt bất cứ lúc nào, và nó sẽ vẫn sẵn ngay cả sau khi bạn nhấp Save, Done, hoặc Open. Tất cả các điểm ảnh được bảo tồn nguyên. Bạn cũng có thể thẳng hình ảnh trước khi mở nó vào Photoshop. | Camera Raw I 65 Cropping and straightening photos With the Crop tool you can control which portion of a photo opens in Photoshop. You can readjust the crop marquee at any time and it will remain available even after you click Save Done or Open. All the raw pixels are preserved. To crop a photo 1. Open a photo into Camera Raw see page 63 . Choose the Crop tool M C . 2. Drag a marquee on the preview image. To move the marquee drag inside it to resize it drag a handle. Only the area within the marquee will import into Photoshop. 3. To preview the crop results press Enter Return or click another tool. You can also straighten a photo before opening it into Photoshop. To straighten a crooked photo 1. Choose the Straighten tool e- A . 2. In the preview drag along an edge in the photo that you want to align to the horizontal or vertical axis. A crop marquee will display aligned to the angle you drew. When you open the image into Photoshop that edge will be aligned with the document window. D To preview the crop results press Enter Return or click another tool. To redisplay a crop or straighten marquee after using another tool choose the Crop or Straighten tool again. To remove it press Esc. A With the Crop tool drag a marquee in the preview window. With the Straighten tool we are dragging along an edge that we want to align to the vertical or horizontal axis. A marquee displays in Camera Raw. D We opened the straightened image into Photoshop. 66 I Chapter 4 Choosing default workflow settings Via the Workflow Options dialog you can change the color space dimensions bit depth and resolution of a photo before opening it into Photoshop without altering the original digital file. Your choices will become the new default settings. To choose default workflow settings 1. Open a photo into Camera Raw then at the bottom of the dialog click the underlined link that lists the color space bit depth etc. The Workflow Options dialog opens. A 2. From the Space menu choose a color profile