Tiết kiệm không gian làm việc tùy chỉnh Bây giờ bạn đã học được cách để tuỳ môi trường của bạn làm việc trong Photoshop, bước tiếp theo là để tiết kiệm không gian làm việc liên quan đến chủ đề cho các loại công việc. | 98 I Chapter 5 Saving custom workspaces Now that you have learned how to customize your working environment in Photoshop the next step is to save theme-related workspaces for different kinds of tasks. This will shorten your setup time when you begin your work sessions. In Photoshop CS5 the current panel locations are included automatically when you save a custom workspace. Optionally the workspace can include custom keyboard shortcuts as well as menu sets which control the color label and visibility settings for menu commands. Your custom workspaces should reflect your normal work habits and by this we don t mean working late and sleeping late . For example to set up a type-intensive workspace you would open the Character and Paragraph panels and assign color labels to commands that you normally use when creating text. Or to create a painting workspace open the Brush Color and Swatches panels assign color labels to the brush preset commands and maybe hide some unrelated commands. To save a custom workspace 1. Do any or all of the following Open and position all the panels in the desired locations panel groups and docks. Collapse the panels you use occasionally to icons and close the ones you rarely use. Or if you prefer to keep all your panels collapsed to icons or icons with names set them up that way now. Resize any of the panels as well as any of the pickers that open from the Options bar. Choose a thumbnail swatch size or other panel display options from any of the panel menus or from any of the menus on the preset pickers that open from the Options bar. Choose Edit Menus and use the dialog to assign color labels and or visibility settings to menu commands. Save your changes to a new menu set. To customize keyboard shortcuts see Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop Help to assign labels see Workspace. 2. From the Workspace menu on the Application bar choose New Workspace. 3. In the New Workspace dialog enter a Name for the new workspace include your own name if .