Summary The Intelligent Network is a continually-evolving model for distributed service processing in the telecommunications network. The models that represent call processing provide a generic interface for distributed control | Summary The Intelligent Network is a continually-evolving model for distributed service processing in the telecommunications network. The models that represent call processing provide a generic interface for distributed control thereby allowing intelligence to move out of the SSP. The IN model also fits well into some next generation telecom architectures such as those built on IP-based softswitches. There are standards for delivering TCAP over the IP transport such as the Bellcore GDI interface which allows IN services to continue to work with little or no modifications. Adjuncts already provide IP connections to IN SLPs so the migration path to IP-based IN networks is occurring. A common theme among the proposed next-generation architectures is distribution of the functions performed by switching exchanges. The IN model fits into this structure by providing a generic framework for both extending the PSTN and allowing it to interwork with the new architectures. Of course there are other intelligent endpoint architectures that provide alternatives to the IN model such as the Session Initiation Protocol SIP . The point of this chapter is not to debate the merits of which architecture is best but to provide an understanding of the IN architecture which so heavily depends on SS7 signaling to function. Chapter 12. Cellular Networks This chapter introduces Global System for Mobile communications GSM which is the most popular digital cellular network standard in terms of architecture discusses interfaces and protocols and concludes by presenting examples of mobility management and call processing in the network. The protocols that are found in GSM to perform these functions namely Base Station Subsystem Application Part BSSAP and Mobile Application Part MAP are applications subsystems that utilize the underlying functionality of the SS7 protocols and network. This chapter aims to provide enough background on GSM cellular networks for you to understand the MAP that is .