Using sharePoint Commands ❘ 261 Due to space limitations, this chapter doesn’t cover many other formatting commands and even output commands to pipe content to fi les, including CSV. To learn more, use these two help commands: Get-Help Format Get-Help Out FIguRE 10-11 To clear the screen, use CLS, which is an alias for Clear-Host. uSINg ShAREPOINt cOmmANdS With more than 500 individual SharePoint 2010commands, one chapter cannot possibly cover them all. This section will get you started working with some of the more common SharePoint commands for PowerShell. Working with the Farm The Farm is the top-most SharePoint administrator object, containing key properties and collections associated with the. | Using SharePoint Commands 261 Due to space limitations this chapter doesn t cover many other formatting commands and even output commands to pipe content to files including CSV. To learn more use these two help commands Get-Help Format Get-Help Out FIGURE 10-11 To clear the screen use CLS which is an alias for Clear-Host. USING SHAREPOINT COMMANDS With more than 500 individual SharePoint 2010commands one chapter cannot possibly cover them all. This section will get you started working with some of the more common SharePoint commands for PowerShell. Working with the Farm The Farm is the top-most SharePoint administrator object containing key properties and collections associated with the SharePoint farm. The term farm can be confusing especially in a single-sever environment. A farm is one or more servers that share the same configuration database. The association of farm and configuration database is carried through as the farm s name is the configuration database name. In SharePoint 2007 we used the Farm object quite often when we scripted commands to get to all the collections and properties. With the many SharePoint 2010 commands you can now access many of these properties using a more specific command. The farm still contains many key properties and methods that can be used for administration. For example you can determine the farm s status display name and version. You can access the farm using the Get-SPFarm command refer back to Figure 10-9 . The output of this command is nothing special. The default formatting for the SPFarm object is to display the Status and DisplayName. However you learned earlier how to control formatting of the objects so feel free to modify the output of the SPFarm object. 262 CHAPTER 10 ADMINISTERING SHAREPOINT 2010 WITH WINDOWS POWERSHELL To access a specific property on the SPFarm object use dot notation . . You could also do this using a variable but this has its own complications which are covered at the end of this chapter when