The Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 3 fills a gap in the literature by providing instructors, hobbyists, and top-level engineers with an accessible, current reference. From the author of the best-selling Telecommunications Illustrated Dictionary, this comprehensive reference includes fundamental physics, basic technical information for fiber splicing, installation, maintenance, and repair, and follow-up information for communications and other professionals using fiber optic components. Well-balanced, well-researched, and extensively cross-referenced, it also includes hundreds of photographs, charts, and diagrams that clarify the more complex ideas and put simpler ideas into their applications context | Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary the device or fiber. Depending upon the application particles outside the acceptance cone and sometimes large-angle particles within the acceptance cone are excluded from processing or further transmission. See acceptance angle. See Acceptance Cone diagram acceptance pattern 1. In antennas a diagramatic plot of off-axis power as it relates to on-axis power as a function of the position or angle of the antenna for a given plane . horizontal plane . 2. In fiber optics a diagramatic plot of the total transmitted power as it relates to the launch angle of the transmission acceptance period A period usually of a few weeks during which a product or service is evaluated by the receiver as to its conformance to the agreed-upon specifications. It is more commonly a stipulation of custom installations than of off-the-shelf products. Acceptance differs from a warranty in that it applies mainly to initial configuration during the ramp-up or installation period whereas a warranty may cover other factors and last several months or years after purchase and installation are complete. acceptance test A test which usually follows installation that demonstrates that the product or services purchased conform to the agreed-upon specifications. An acceptance test may be contractually required by the purchaser before making final payments on the purchase. accepted signal See call accepted signal. acceptor An entity capable of receiving another entity such as a compound substance or atomic particle. The providing entity may be called a donor. Donor-acceptor relationships are fundamental processes and may be used to polarize a molecule for example or be associated with certain photochemical processes. Donor-acceptor emissions are found in semiconductor technologies. access 1. n. The point through which a circuit or communications device is entered or the point at which the communications process is entered and initiated. 2. v. To gain entry into a .