The Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 57 fills a gap in the literature by providing instructors, hobbyists, and top-level engineers with an accessible, current reference. From the author of the best-selling Telecommunications Illustrated Dictionary, this comprehensive reference includes fundamental physics, basic technical information for fiber splicing, installation, maintenance, and repair, and follow-up information for communications and other professionals using fiber optic components. Well-balanced, well-researched, and extensively cross-referenced, it also includes hundreds of photographs, charts, and diagrams that clarify the more complex ideas and put simpler ideas into their applications context | Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary Kalman filter. The discrete Kalman filter DKF attempts to estimate the state of a discrete-time-controlled process. The extended Kalman filter EKF handles nonlinear situations by linearizing . with partial derivatives about the current mean and covariance. The Kalman filter is now an important aspect of sonar and radar tracking guidance and navigation systems. It has also been used in satellite orbit calculations for various space missions. Recently fiber optic gyroscopes FOGs in combination with Kalman filters have been used in mobile robot systems. The Kalman filter fuses the FOG sensor data with the robot odometer to provide more accurate dead reckoning than is possible through traditional odometric systems in accessible price ranges. Kangaroo Network A commercial hardware soft-ware product from Spartacus Fibronics designed to enable IBM mainframes to intercommunicate with other networks using TCP IP. Kangaroo Working Group A working group on telecommunications and the information society that works with the European Internet Foundation looking into issues associated with creating a level playing field in terms of Internet use and access in Europe ensuring a balance between private industry and government. The Kangaroo Group has been actively involved in conferences since the mid- 1980s and has actively debated Internet regulations and barriers to the use of cyberspace. Kao Charles K. 1933- A Chinese engineer and significant pioneer in fiber optic communications Kao studied in Britain and became head of the optical communication program at ITT s Standard Telecommunications Laboratories Harlow . in December 1964. Along with G. Hockham Kao championed the idea of single-mode optical fiber transmission systems and coauthored Dielectric-Fiber Surface Waveguides for Optical Frequencies in Proc. IEEE 1966 . He followed this up with work on the structure of fiber communications and subsystems. Kao and Hockham were correct in .