SAS/Ets User's Guide 235. Provides detailed reference material for using SAS/ETS software and guides you through the analysis and forecasting of features such as univariate and multivariate time series, cross-sectional time series, seasonal adjustments, multiequational nonlinear models, discrete choice models, limited dependent variable models, portfolio analysis, and generation of financial reports, with introductory and advanced examples for each procedure. You can also find complete information about two easy-to-use point-and-click applications: the Time Series Forecasting System, for automatic and interactive time series modeling and forecasting, and the Investment Analysis System, for time-value of money analysis of a variety of investments | 2332 F Chapter 34 The X12 Procedure TABLES Statement TABLES tablename1 tablename2. options The TABLES statement enables you to alter the display of the PROC X12 tables. You can specify the display of tables that are not displayed by default by PROC X12 and the NOSUM option enables you to suppress the printing of the period summary line in the time series tables. tablename1 tablename2 . . . keywords that correspond to the title label used by the Census Bureau X12-ARIMA software. For each table to be included in the displayed output you must specify the X12 tablename keyword. Currently available tables are A19 C20 D1 D7 E1 E2 and E3. Although these tables are not displayed by default their values are sometimes useful in understanding the X-12-ARIMA method. For further description of the available tables see the section Displayed Output ODS Table Names OUTPUT Tablename Keywords on page 2342. NOSUM NOSUMMARY NOSUMMARYLINE applies to the tables available for output in the OUTPUT Statement. By default these tables include a summary line that gives the average total or standard deviation for the historical data by period. The NOSUM option suppresses the display of the summary line in the listing. Also if the tables are output with ODS the summary line is not an observation in the data set. Thus the output to the data set is only the time series both the historical data and the forecast data if available. TRANSFORM Statement TRANSFORM options The TRANSFORM statement transforms or adjusts the series prior to estimating a regARIMA model. With this statement the series can be Box-Cox power transformed. The Prior Adjustment Factors table is associated with the TRANSFORM statement. Only one of the following options can appear in the TRANSFORM statement POWER value transforms the input series Yt by using a Box-Cox power transformation Y v i Og yt A 0 Y yt j A2 Ya - 1 A A 0 The power A must be specified for example POWER . The default is no transformation A 1 that is POWER .