Tổ chức các tập tin trong Bridge Giá trị thực sự của các tiện ích Bridge là trong khả năng để nhanh chóng tìm và tổ chức các hình ảnh. Cầu cung cấp truy cập trực tiếp tới tất cả các siêu dữ liệu chứa trong các file hình ảnh và cho phép bạn bổ sung thêm siêu dữ liệu dưới dạng từ khoá, nhãn, và xếp hạng. | Chapter 6 Using Bridge to Organize and Process Photos Folders The Folders workspace is designed to help you navigate the filesystem to find the folders and files that you need to work with. Organizing Files in Bridge The true value of the Bridge utility is in the ability to quickly find and organize images. Bridge provides direct access to all metadata contained in the images file and allows you to add additional metadata in the form of keywords labels and ratings. Bridge also allows you to organize photos in a more usable fashion than a traditional filesystem by arranging them in collections and stacks. When you keep your files organized you save lots of time looking for images. The following sections discuss how to use Bridge to organize your image files. Importing images from cameras and card readers An extremely useful feature of Bridge is its ability to import files from a camera or card reader directly to your computer filesystem. Most cameras and card readers allow you to easily copy files to your computer but Bridge offers many more options than just a file copy. To import images from your camera or card reader to Bridge select File C Get Photos From Camera from the main menu or click the Get Photos from Camera button in the toolbar. The Photo Downloader shown in Figure is displayed. You can click the Advanced Dialog button to also display the images on the device as shown in Figure . This allows you to select which images to download from the device. FIGURE The content view controls in Bridge allow you to quickly change how files are displayed in the content pane. 157 Part I Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop CS5 Using the Photo Downloader you can define where to download the images what to name them and several other options. The following sections discuss each of the options available when downloading images. Get Photos From The Get Photos From option provides a drop-down menu with a list of available devices. If you can plug the camera .