Tất cả về Layer Khi bạn mở một hình ảnh trong Photoshop lần đầu tiên, hình ảnh đó là một lớp, giống như khi bạn muốn đặt hình ảnh ra trên bàn. Khi bạn thêm những điều cần phải có hình ảnh như văn bản hoặc hình ảnh khác, nghĩ về nó như đặt một minh bạch có chứa những mặt hàng trên hình gốc. | CHAPTER All about Layers W W1 yhen you open an image in Photoshop for the first time that image is k W one layer just as if you d laid a photo out on a table. When you add things to that image such as text or another image think of it as putting a transparency containing those items over the original image. Rather than destroying the integrity of the image you are simply adding layers to it to change the way it looks. That s exactly how the Layers panel works. You can keep stacking up the layers to change the way your image looks and those layers don t have to contain objects they can be composed of a filter or style. Meanwhile your original image is still available to you in its original unaltered state. That s the basics anyway. Of course because this is the digital world of Photoshop a great idea has gotten so much better over time. Everything from changing the settings of filters that were added months ago to animating is all part of the Layers panel in Photoshop CS5 and having a good solid understanding of how it all works is essential to your Photoshop success. A basic understanding of the Layers panel including the icons and menu options is a good place to start. Then I show the different kinds of layers you can add. I end the chapter by showing you everything you need to know about layer masks. After you ve been introduced to the Layers panel you ll be ready to get into the meat of what Photoshop is all about image correction and special effects where the Layers panel is used constantly. IN THIS CHAPTER The Layer menus The Layers panel Adding layers Adding layer effects Masks 293 Part III Selections Layers and Channels Working with Layers Although I am going to show you the ins and outs of the Layers panel and how to add special effects and adjustment layers later in this chapter I want to start by diving right in and showing you what it looks like when you have multiple layers in your document and how to work with those layers. Understanding multiple .