Thêm văn bản trong một đối tượng thông minh Làm việc với lớp vector có thể là một vấn đề lớn khi bạn thêm văn bản cho hình ảnh. Một số tùy chọn lớp không có sẵn cho các lớp vector, bao gồm các lớp văn bản vector. Các giải pháp cho vấn đề này là chuyển đổi từ các lớp văn bản vector để một lớp thông minh. Bởi vì nội dung của một đối tượng thông minh là raster-ized trước khi áp dụng nó vào hình ảnh, bạn có thể sử dụng tất cả các chức năng chỉnh sửa. | Chapter 18 Working with Text 6. Right-click the newly saved path in the image and select Define Custom Shape from the pop-up menu. Name the shape and the shape is added to the Shapes list. You can use the shape just as any other custom shape. 7. Press T to select the Type tool from the Toolbox. 8. Use the Type tool to pick a point inside the newly created shape. As you move the cursor into the newly created shape the I-beam cursor displays a circle around it indicating that it will use the shape as a bounding box. A new vector text layer is added to the Layers panel and another path to support the bounding box for the vector text layer is added to the Paths panel as shown in Figure . 9. Add the text to the image. The text flows inside the newly created shape shown in Figure and you can edit it as you normally would. Cross-Ref For more information about creating vector shapes see Chapter 17. Note In case you are wondering the text placed inside the image is Lorem Ipsum which is just dummy text that is frequently used by graphics designers as filler text when demonstrating their work. Using the dummy text keeps viewers from being distracted by the content of the text and not focusing on the overall design elements. Adding text in a Smart Object Working with vector layers can be a big problem when you re adding text to images. Several layer options are not available for vector layers including vector text layers. The solution to this problem is to convert the vector text layer to a Smart Layer. Because the content of a Smart Object is rasterized before applying it to the image you can use all the raster editing functionality associated with layers. Tip Remember that the content of the Smart Object is rasterized when applied to the image. If you create your text larger than it is used in the actual document Photoshop doesn t need to increase the size of the rasterized text which reduces the amount of pixelization that occurs. There is still pixelization but