Việc chuyển đổi nghiêng cho phép bạn di chuyển góc xử lý độc lập với nhau để kéo hoặc đẩy các điểm ảnh ở một góc gần hoặc từ các điểm tham chiếu. chuyển đổi này thực sự biến hình, các điểm ảnh trong khu vực đang được đẩy hoặc kéo bằng cách kết hợp chúng hoặc gấp đôi cho họ để nó trông như hình ảnh vẫn còn nằm trong toàn bộ trong hình dạng lệch. văn bản làm lệch nhiều hạn chế | Chapter 19 Distorting Images Skew The Skew transformation allows you to move the corner handles independently of one another to pull or push the pixels in that corner closer to or away from the reference point. This transformation actually morphs the pixels in the area that is being pushed or pulled by merging them or doubling them so it looks as if the image is still contained in its entirety in the skewed shape. Skewing text is more constrained. Rather than each corner being moved independently the sides move together to create a sheering effect. An example can be seen in Figure . To skew a selection choose Edit C Transform C Skew. A bounding box is created and you can pull on the corners to transform them. You also can type a degree of skew in the options bar. This constrains your image to being skewed as a whole rather than one corner at a time. Keep an eye on those numbers when you are dragging one corner in order to skew just one corner at a time not only the skew degree but the relative position of the reference point changes. FIGURE Pull on the corners to skew an object. Set skew Distort Distorting an image works much like taking a printed photograph and bending this way and that to make it look different. Distorting in Photoshop works better of course because you can make more dramatic distortions without creating any wrinkles. The Distort option can make your selection look angled bubbled or squished. Choose Edit C Transform C Distort to create a bounding box around your selection. Use the handles to distort freely as seen in Figure . Note If you have just created a path such as the shape that is being used in the distort example you find that the Edit menu contains the option to Transform Path rather than Transform. 625 Part VI Artistic Effects FIGURE Using the Distort transformation can really change the look of your object. Perspective The Perspective transformation widens either the top or the base or both of your image to correct .