Thao tác tạo và các đối tượng 3D ông môi trường 3D trong Photoshop là một phần của phiên bản mở rộng kể từ CS3, nhưng nó đã thay đổi đáng kể trong CS4, và với khả năng biến đường dẫn vector vào lưới 3D với Repoussé trong CS5, khả năng mở, cơ động, chỉnh sửa, và thậm chí cả tạo các đối tượng 3D đã trở thành một khía cạnh quan trọng của phiên bản mở rộng của Photoshop | Part VII Working with 3D Images IN THIS PART Chapter 22 Creating and Manipulating 3D Objects Chapter 23 Using the 3D Panel to Edit 3D Scenes and Settings Chapter 24 Using Photoshop Tools to Change the Appearance of a 3D Layer Creating and Manipulating 3D Objects CHAPTER The 3D environment in Photoshop has been a part of the extended version since CS3 but it changed dramatically in CS4 and with the ability to turn vector paths into 3D meshes with Repoussé in CS5 the ability to open maneuver edit and even create 3D objects has become an important aspect of the extended version of Photoshop. Although you can create basic 3D models and add textures to them in Photoshop its main purpose is not to create redesign or even animate 3D objects or scenes. Instead being able to work with a 3D object in Photoshop allows you to use Photoshop s powerful filters styles and other Paint tools to dramatically improve the way a 3D image looks and to create fantastic composites. A 3D object is usually composed of at least two different files the 3D object itself which is a vector file and the texture of the 3D object or the file that defines what the 3D object will look like which is a raster file. You need to understand how these files work together in the 3D environment in order to utilize the capabilities of Photoshop to change the look of a 3D object. The Layers panel also looks different with a 3D object selected. A 3D object with a texture attached has at least one sublayer often more than one. This chapter gives you a complete overview of how to work with 3D layers. IN THIS CHAPTER Understanding 3D file formats Creating 3D objects Getting to know Repousse Using 3D object tools Using 3D camera tools Understanding 3D File Formats By adding the 3D extensions Photoshop added a whole new array of readable file formats to its already impressive repertoire. Photoshop supports five 3D file formats .