Áp dụng bộ lọc thông minh để các tập tin Video Bạn có thể thêm bộ lọc để kích một trong hai cách: thêm trực tiếp vào một tập tin thường xuyên hoặc thay đổi các tập tin vào một đối tượng thông minh và thêm vào bộ lọc thông minh. | Part VIII Working with Video and Animation Note When you create a Smart Object from a video layer the Smart Object doesn t have an Altered Video property. As I show you later in this chapter the Altered Video property allows you to make changes to your video on a frame-by-frame basis. To change the video frame by frame you need to open the Smart Object and change the video layer in the embedded file. Applying Smart Filters to Video Files You can add filters to a file in two ways add them directly to a regular file or change the file into a Smart Object and add Smart Filters. This has special implications for a video file because adding a Filter directly to it changes only one frame of video causing your filter to blip in and out of existence too fast for the eye to see. To avoid having to add a filter one frame at a time you need to change your video file into a Smart Object. When you change a layer into a Smart Object the thumbnail in the Layers panel changes to show that the layer is treated differently. After you ve converted a video layer to a Smart Object you can see a difference in the Animation Timeline panel as well. Figure shows the Animation Timeline panel after the video layer has been changed to a Smart Object. There is no Altered Video property for a Smart Object. Now this layer is just like an image or 3D layer any changes made to it affect the entire layer. FIGURE There is no Altered Video property in a Smart Object even if it was once a video layer. Adding a Smart Filter to a Smart Object that is an embedded video file is no different than adding a Smart Filter to any other Smart Object. Choose a filter from the Filter menu change the settings if necessary and add it to your file. You can use corrective filters such as the sharpening or blurring filters or you can create artistic effects by applying the more interesting filters. When a filter is added to a video file that has been turned into a Smart Object it affects the entire layer and